Saturday, April 2, 2016

Rapid Deploy of Java Applications on Bluemix

Rapid Deploy of Java Applications on Bluemix

Rapid Deploy of Java Applications on Bluemix

Although Cloud Foundry and Bluemix significantly ease deployment in general, you can do even more rapid prototyping of Java applications on Cloud Foundry/Bluemix without having to push each and every change. Thanks to JRebel that uses the JVM HotSwap technology to load classes without dynamic class loaders, there is no need to push the app to test every change, small or sizable. It’s great for rapid deployment. Ready to jump in? More... The post Rapid Deploy of Java Applications on Bluemix...Read More
IBM Technical Rock Star Program

Healthcare internet of things (IoT): 18 trends...

Healthcare internet of things (IoT): 18 trends to watch in 2016

Healthcare internet of things (IoT): 18 trends...

IBM Technical Rock Star Program